
Free diving is a captivating water sport that involves exploring the depths of the ocean or a body of water on a single breath. Unlike scuba diving, free divers rely solely on their breath-holding abilities and swimming techniques to descend and ascend underwater.

Free diving encompasses various disciplines, including depth diving, where divers aim to reach great depths, and pool disciplines, which focus on breath-hold endurance and dynamic swimming. The sport requires a combination of physical fitness, mental focus, relaxation techniques, and proper breath control.

Free divers learn specialized breathing techniques to optimize oxygen intake and minimize carbon dioxide build-up during their dives. They also develop skills such as equalization, which involves balancing pressure in the ears and sinuses as they descend.

Safety is of utmost importance in free diving, and divers must be aware of potential risks, understand rescue techniques, and practice responsible diving practices. It is recommended to undergo proper training and certification from reputable free diving organizations to ensure safety and skill development.

Free diving offers a unique opportunity to experience the underwater world in a serene and immersive way, allowing divers to connect with marine life and explore the depths with minimal equipment. It combines the thrill of adventure with the tranquility of being underwater, making it a popular activity for both recreational enthusiasts and competitive athletes.

Basic Freediver - Introduction to freediving

Introduction To Free diving

This course is designed for beginners who want to explore the fascinating world of freediving. Participants will learn the fundamental principles and techniques of breath-hold diving. The course covers topics such as proper breathing techniques, safety protocols, equalization methods, and basic dive skills. Through classroom sessions, pool training, and open water dives, students will gain confidence and improve their breath-hold capabilities.

Freediving Course

Advanced Free diver (Coming Soon)

The Advanced Free diving Course is ideal for individuals who have already completed an introductory course. This course focuses on enhancing breath-hold skills, deepening equalization techniques, and increasing depth and duration of dives. Participants will learn advanced relaxation and mental preparation techniques, as well as advanced rescue and safety protocols. The course includes open water sessions for depth training, allowing participants to push their limits under professional guidance.